
The CSD newsletter

Issue 17

August 2014 - Professional indemnity insurance a better understanding from CSD's partner McParland Finn Ltd, member's profile Interior Designer Timothy Chan FCSD, student member's profile Phil Parkin from Interior Architecture and Design at Nottingham Trent University, upcoming events and offers.

Read Issue 17

Issue 16

July 2014 - Results of CSD Student Satisfaction Survey, BIID past members' reunion, the 2014 CEP Student Award winners, member's profile Interior Designer Logan MacWatt FCSD, book review 'Naoto Fukasawa' and 'Make your own Luck' by Kate Moross, upcoming events and offers.

Read Issue 16

Issue 15

February 2014 - Welcome CSD's new President David Callcott FCSD PCSD, 100 years of CSD and BIID history, the 38th Annual General Meeting, member's profiles student member Jake Thomson and Graphic Designer Paul Mabin MCSD, book review 'Illusion Confusion' by Paul M Baars, upcoming events and offers.

Read Issue 15

issue 14

November 2013 - Alex Lee FCSD champions CSD in Hong Kong, Designer communication CSD welcomes new communications assistant, member's profiles Graphic Deigner Charlotte Littlehales Assoc.CSD and Product Designer James Lamb MCSD, review of Paper Engineering for Designers: popup skills and techniques, upcoming events and offers.

Read issue 14

issue 13

October 2013 - CSD submits evidence to the house of commons committee, Leah's progress on the Atlas of Design, Gift Aid for members, CSD Student Award winners 2013, member's profile Interior Designers Boysie Tong MCSD and Iris NG MCSD, review of The Art Deco Poster, upcoming events and offers.

Read issue 13