TitleCeramics: Neverending ArtworksDate24 May 2022, 9.30am - 9pmLocationFlagship Store Iris Ceramica Group, Old Street (61 - 67) London,Description
The exhibition “Ceramics: Neverending Artworks,” is on display until June 3rd in the flagship Store of Iris Ceramica Group London, and is part of the Clerkenwell Design Week. For the occasion, the street artist Camilla Falsini will be the protagonist of a live painting performance curated by YOURBAN2030, with a personal and contemporary interpretation of the style that characterized the “Memphis” movement.
TitleInterior showcase from UMAGE, Spring Copenhagen, Innermost, Wehlers, EOQ and PilkeDate24-27 May 2022LocationIslington Square, 116 Upper Street, London, N1 1AB
TitleSHU – Interior Architecture & Design exhibitionDate19-27 May 2022LocationHertha Ayrton STEM Centre, Central Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB
TitleSocially Engaged Design (Lecture)Date18 May 2022, 5:00PM Shanghai timeLocationZhumu meeting link:
Meeting ID: 629 758 176DescriptionOriginally from Germany, Namuun Zimmermann is a Suzhou-based design practitioner, researcher and design educator, after having lived and worked in Vienna (AT) and London (UK) for several years. Zimmermann has a BA in Industrial Design from the University of Applied Sciences in Graz (AT) and a MA Design Products from the Royal College of Art in London (UK). She has been working as a lecturer at the Design Department at Goldsmiths University in London for several years and has extensive experience in organising and running creative workshops, projects and commissions with diverse audiences for clients and renowned institutions like the V&A Museum, Serpentine Galleries, Barbican and Tate Modern. She has been the Lead Designer at TNA design studio, London, where she led the design team and ran projects in the fields of interior design, packaging and product design. In 2018, she co-founded the award-winning design company Studio Sain with her partner Martijn Rigters. Since 2020, Zimmermann joined the Industrial Design Department of XJLTU in Suzhou. She has been appointed as the departmental Research director where she leads the Industrial Design research units in Interaction Design and Social Innovation Design.
Namuun has a multidisciplinary background in design, originally trained as an Industrial Designer and a master’s degree from the Design Products Department at the Royal College of Art in London. Her practice-based research and professional experiences bridge critical design, social-engaged and participatory design, product design and new materials advancing communities and users. Through her professional experience, her teaching approach has been concentrated towards a future-oriented and critical design ethos, focusing on providing students tools that adapt to the ever-changing environment of the design profession.
TitleTransactional UrbanismDate11 May 2022, 5.00 PM Beijing TimeLocationOnline Zhumu Meeting ID 626 583 5304Description
Transactional Urbanism is a protraction of the flat, spiky, decentralised city, expressing the significance and influence of ubiquitous transactional exchanges on the form of the city, It presents the techno-social spatial domains that engender the city – an urban realm that is remote, dispersed yet kinetic and all-pervading.
The lecture will examine the impact of decentralised technologies on the built environment and the consequent emergent techno-spatial architectural and urban conditions catalysed by disruptive distributed systems. Through discussing an emergent body of work, it will present the propositional forces that demonstrably shape the city; focusing on technology – its implementation and imprint – with an aim to establish a relation in the domain of architectural comprehension.
TitleA LABOUR OF LOVE: new design, materials & textilesDate11 May 2022, 5:00 PM (Shanghai)LocationZhumu Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 636 403 309DescriptionPhilip Fimmano is a trend analyst, design curator and writer, contributing to Trend Union’s forecasting tools. He is also the co-founder of the World Hope Forum, a mentor of Polimoda’s forecasting and textile masters, and a board member for the International Folk Art Market and all of Gap Inc.’s brands.
Philip is at the forefront of these new makers in contemporary design. Their challenge is to seek the future of responsible production, circular thinking, ethical practice and organic aesthetics, and to shape materials and processes. Ultimately, their conscious philosophies will change our world and guide us towards a better tomorrow.
TitleNew Ways of Production – LectureDate04 May 2022, 5pm (Shanghai, GMT +8)LocationZhumu Meeting ID: 623 438 578Description
The lecture will revolve around Martijn’s achievements as a designer, and how sources of inspiration can trigger design opportunities
Martijn Rigters, Director of the MDes in XJTLU Industrial Design is a Dutch designer, practice-based researcher and design educator based in Suzhou, China.
A graduate of the Royal College of Art, London, Rigters has been working within his professional practice for over 10 years and has collaborated with numerous international institutions companies, galleries and communities. -
TitleEveryday and Everywhere: Everyday Urbanism in the US and ChinaDate04 May 2022, 12-2pmLocationZoom link:
(Passcode: MCrawf_22)DescriptionMargaret Crawford, University of California at Berkeley will be delivering a lecture on everyday urbanism. Everyday urbanism is an approach to understanding urban, suburban, and rural spaces. It celebrates and builds on the ordinary life and reality that exist everywhere. It doesn’t envision an ideal urban environment but it explores ways to improve what already exists in incremental ways. Unlike much urban planning and urban design, everyday urbanism focuses on understanding the social uses of space. It introduces the idea of eliminating the distance between experts and ordinary users and forces designers and planners to contemplate a ‘shift of power’ and address social life from a direct and ordinary perspective.
TitlePoking the Future: How to provoke other thoughts and your own imaginationDate27 April 2022, 5pm (Shanghai)LocationZhumu Meeting ID
605 404 969
DescriptionJoin the XJTLU Industrial Design community for Bernhard Hopfengärtner‘s lecture “Poking the Future: How to provoke other thoughts and your own imagination”.
Futures are statistically modelled and predicted in science, advertised in business or claimed and announced in politics. But however fancy the tools, seductive the visuals or convincing the rhetorics, our ideas about futures are formed by the questions we ask about them. If the questions are predictable, because they are guided by the same interests, fed with the same data, or utilised to forward the same agendas, the futures they unveil get old and boring. They need to be poked and provoked to trigger thought and imagination, because ultimately the questions are the question.
TitleVoices of an Architect -XJTLUDate25 April 2022, 9am-10.30am (Beijing)Location
Zhumu Meeting ID: 612 440 7088
Password: 215123DescriptionThese three voices will speak of the career stories of three young progressive Chinese architects. They will share and discuss their perspectives on what shaped their individual paths and their observations of architectural practice in China. Having gained varying experiences Internationally, they will offer valuable insights and advice for our young future architects.